Discover Uncovering Niche Markets Strengthen Your SEO Strategy How to Find Long Tail Keywords With Low SEO Difficulty

Find Long Tail Keywords with Low SEO Difficulty

If you're looking to drive more organic traffic to your website, SEO is an essential tool in your arsenal. However, getting to the coveted first page of Google search results is no easy feat. It takes careful keyword research to ensure your website can compete. Long-tail keywords are your best bet for ranking in SERPs and understanding the SEO difficulty of each keyword is key when it comes to developing an effective SEO strategy.

Long tail keywords are more specific phrases consisting of 3 words where the search audience is further along in the purchase funnel. For example, rather than a broad keyword such as shoes, a long tail keyword could be something like buy hiking boots for men. They help you reach more niche and qualified traffic while typically driving cheaper clicks through PPC campaigns and delivering higher conversions.

To determine the SEO difficulty of each keyword you have chosen, consider the number of competing websites for a given keyword and the quality of their content. In general, the search difficulty of a keyword is determined based on the CTR, URLs ranking, and impressions on the given query. If it's high, that keyword will be hard to rank for.

The best way to get more long-tail keywords is to use a keyword research tool such as Google's Keyword Planner or a dedicated SEO tool like SEMrush. These tools allow you to see the estimated monthly search volume and competition level of keywords, as well as related long-tail phrases that you may not have considered. In addition to finding long-tail keywords, tools such as these can help you identify areas of opportunity where you can expand your content to cover a greater range of searchers' needs and further differentiate your website from competitors.

  • Increase chances of ranking highly in search engines.
  • Help you reach more qualified and niche traffic.
  • Help you drive cheaper clicks through PPC campaigns.
  • Lead to higher conversions as users are further along in the funnel.

  • Pros: Long-tail keywords are generally less competitive and can provide better ROI from SEO campaigns and PPC ads, as well as helping you stay compliant with search engine guidelines.
  • Cons: They usually have significantly lower search volumes than broad keywords and require more time and effort to discover and research.

Case study 1: An online retailer selling hiking shoes wants to increase website traffic and sales. After researching potential keywords, they decide to focus on using long-tail keywords with low SEO difficulty such as buy men's hiking boots online. After building out content targeting this keyword and others, their website traffic and sales rose significantly.

Case study 2: A local bakery wants to gain more online orders. They decided to use long-tail keywords like order custom cupcakes online and birthday cakes delivery near me as part of their SEO strategy. After creating content targeting these keywords, they saw a steady increase in online orders.

  • Q: What are long-tail keywords?

    A: Long-tail keywords are more specific phrases consisting of 3 words where the search audience is further along in the purchase funnel. They help you reach more niche and qualified traffic while typically driving cheaper clicks through PPC campaigns and delivering higher conversions.

  • Q: How can I find long-tail keywords?

    A: The best way to do so is to use a keyword research tool such as Google's Keyword Planner or a dedicated SEO tool like SEMrush.

  • Choosing too broad of keywords. Make sure your keywords are related to the content and target audience.
  • Using exact match phrases too often. It's better to use synonyms or related words so as not to look overly optimized.
  • Forgetting about local keywords. Long-tail keywords should include local modifiers such as city and/or state names.
  • Not researching competition. Make sure to research the SEO difficulty of your keywords & analyze the competition to ensure you're choosing keywords that will be effective for your website.

  • Utilize keyword research tools to identify long-tail keywords & search difficulty.
  • Create content related to long-tail keywords to increase chances of ranking in SERPs.
  • Include local modifiers such as city and/or state names to target local searches.
  • Build backlinks to your website to help boost ranking for long-tail keywords.

Organic traffic helps drive more conversions and sales with minimal effort, making SEO an essential part of any website's marketing strategy. Long-tail keywords can be a great way to increase your chances of ranking in SERPs. Doing your keyword research is essential when looking for long-tail keywords, as understanding the SEO difficulty of each keyword will help ensure your content reaches its intended audience. Utilize keyword research tools like SEMrush to identify the best long-tail keywords and incorporate best practices such as local modifiers and building backlinks to increase your chances of success.

Long-tail keywords can be a great way to reach niche audiences and can lead to higher conversions than broad keywords. Doing research to find the right words to use and understanding their SEO difficulty is essential for building a successful SEO strategy.

Finding the right keywords is the first step towards an effective SEO strategy. Long-tail keywords have the potential to drive more qualified traffic than broad keywords. Research and understanding the SEO difficulty of each keyword is key when it comes to determining the success of your website. Utilizing keyword research tools and understanding best practices will help you create a powerful SEO strategy and improve your website's performance and reach in SERPs.